St. Ann’s is a licensed assisted living home care provider, offering support and health-related services to residents in the comfort and privacy of their own apartment.
These services are provided by St. Ann’s Nursing Services, a team of experienced, skilled and compassionate certified home health aides, licensed practical nurses, and registered nurses.
The Nursing Service staff is available 24 hours a day. Residents are able to live independently, but are also able to obtain services from our Nursing Services Department. Residents can obtain assistance from the Home Health Aids, Receptionist or Security staff by utilizing the emergency call system available in all apartments.
Obtaining Home Care Services
Prior to routine home care services, residents meet with an Registered Nurse for a clinical assessment and enter into a service contract which outlines services to be provided, frequency, cost care providers and RN supervision schedule. RNs are available by appointment M-F 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. For you convenience and peace of mind. The St. Ann’s RNs are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
An individual plan of care is developed with the resident or legal representative, an RN, the residents physician, and any other agencies that may be involved in the resident’s care. Emergency services are provided immediately to any resident 24 hours a day. Residents are also free to utilize area home health agencies, family or friends to meet their needs if they exceed the scope of assisted living nursing services provided by St. Ann’s.